Almost daily painter, traveler and art lover
It's all about art, what else is there?
@lisahutart on instagram

Monday, June 12, 2017

Week 24 Littleton, Denver and Sydney

Littleton Plein Air event - 3 paintings are for sale at the Art Depot until June 18. Last weekend was the ASLD Summer Art Market - thank you SO MUCH for purchasing & visiting during the hottest weekend ever. I also appreciated the great conversations with old and new artist friends. Saturday night was the Alzheimer's Association Art Auction - I barely had time to race around and get bids in on art and say a fast hello to people I would love to spend more time with, but couldn't.
Tomorrow I'm headed "down under" to Sydney, Australia and can't wait to see my daughter and the beautiful county. I might be the only person in the whole world looking forward to a 14 hour flight. Because I can take endless naps ... and I will.

Downtown Littleton, putting in a watercolor underpainting
Photo credit to Peggy Dietz


The two paintings I donated to Alzheimer's Art Auction - very happy to say they raised a lot of money for the Alzheimer's Association. Check out the bags under my eyes ... I felt the need to point them out, they are tremendously large after spending the day in 96 degree heat in a booth.

My booth full of art. Will work on getting unsold stuff uploaded to website later this summer.

A corner where I enticed people to ask about the mittens I make for Alzheimer's

The highlight of my weekend - a small child who loved my soft carpet and crawled under the back table for some relaxation. I loved forts as a kid and I was especially jealous that I couldn't crawl under there myself. I really love kids abilities to just do what the feel like with no inhibitions. I also love that my "kid" who is 23 years old hauled all this stuff for me and helped me set up and tear down the booth. Absolutely could not have done it without my wonderful husband and son. XXOO

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Week 23 Absence of Color

I'm still painting all over the place, using different mediums and letting myself go in different creative directions. My art journey is clear to me most days, life on the other hand ... not always.

I intended to paint a simple black and white piece but ended up with all kinds of stuff happening and lots of grays. My art really represents my life; never quite turning out how I thought. Not black and white. Lots of gray areas. Yeah, it's a bit chaotic right now. Yet, I find this painting soothing. Absence of color, maybe? I want to do a whole series on black and white but it will have to wait.

I'm doing my only art fair this weekend (see below) and hope to see some of my friends at SAM on June 10th & 11th. It's gonna be a hot and busy weekend!

Absence of Color
24x24 Acrylic

I'm on Grant Street just north of 3rd - hope to see you!!

Friday, June 2, 2017

Week 22 Littleton Plein Air Event

I've been painting in the Littleton Plein Air Festival this week. I started off with a bang on Wednesday morning at 7 am. I drove around scoping out spots to paint and painted until sunset. I did 5 paintings - all 11x14 or larger. My friends were impressed.

Yesterday I was dragging and painted 2. I skipped the nocturne painting.

Today I will show up for the Quick Draw for one more downtown at 10-12.

I feel like a helium balloon - started off all perky and fresh on Wednesday morning and now I'm slowly sinking, barely hovering above the ground; by tomorrow I'll be flat.

I must learn to pace myself.

Below are the two paintings that will be for sale at the art opening tonight at the Art Depot from 5pm - 8pm during the First Friday art walk, they will be there until June 18, unless they sell. And the one I'm headed out the door to paint soon - headed to downtown Littleton to get inspired!

Early at the Courthouse 
11x14 pastel

It's All about the Dress
8x12 pastel