Almost daily painter, traveler and art lover
It's all about art, what else is there?
@lisahutart on instagram

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

One Paper Cut

Thanks to everyone that came to see me at the Summer Art Market last weekend, your purchases are keeping me in paint and pastels!! It was miserably sorta hot out but I had a great time with steady sales and talking to shoppers. I'm sure there was more than one person trying to escape my booth as I chatted away. I think some research study came out a decade ago that says women talk 3x more words than men in an average day; my husband would say that's an understatement.

I missed attending the Alzheimer's Art Auction on Saturday night, my energy level was at an all time low (must have been all that talking) and I didn't want to leave my booth early to fit in both events. My large aspen painting that I donated went to a previous collector and it's so nice to know that it's gone to a great home. I was very tempted to keep it.

I invited at least 20 different people to come join me with Plein Air Artists of Colorado since I find so much joy in being outside and painting. We live in such a beautiful state, hope some new folks come on out and paint with us. My husband was super helpful as always - it's a lot of work hauling all that art down and setting it up. Oh, and the ice cream booth was mere yards away to combat the heat.

The only downfall was one paper cut.

That's a really good weekend.

I painted in front of my booth on Sunday morning before it got too busy
Swirly Cactus pastel 8x10

Katt played her ukulele in my booth part of the time so we had art and music!

Many, many plein air pastels from the last 2 years
Certainly makes me grateful for all the traveling I am able to do

Oils and Acrylics on the other side
I sold the 36" x 36" owl painting on the back wall
Very happy someone loved my painting and the story behind it

Sunday, June 3, 2018

It's Not all Fun & Games

I just finished painting in the Littleton Plein Air Festival on Friday. My first location was at Creek Side Gardens. 3 of us set up on their property before they opened (morning light and all) and when they arrived they graciously let us stay and paint their beautiful flowers. Thanks so very much Holly.
I was in a great shady spot under a tree, next to a mud puddle. The birds were chirping and splashing about in the puddle and life seemed perfect. A blank canvas in front of me. All day to paint. After I was about halfway through my painting a worm dropped down on me from the tree. Really larvae, but let's say worm, it sounds slightly less gross. Over the next hour I slowly realized they were everywhere, dropping in my pastel box (where they eerily disappeared into the foam), floating in my watercolors and all over me.
The birds were not splashing happily in the mud puddle, they were eating breakfast. I rolled my sleeves down, turned my collar up on my shirt, finished that painting and then got the hell away from that tree. So, it's not ALL fun and games - but it is really fun work.

Come see me at ASLD Summer Art Market this weekend Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 10-5 (I'll be there by 9am both days). Along with my paintings I'm selling hand painted cards and some of my sketchbook pages so my work is priced from $10 and up. I'm very motivated to make space for more art and prices are very affordable.

Also, I've decided to set up my easel and paint during the market so come check it out! Booth #38 on 3rd just east of Grant Street.

Hudson Gardens Yellow Iris
9x12 pastel

Hot Spot
9x12 pastel
Thank you so much to Juror, Lorenzo Chavez for a First Place Award for this painting.

Hudson Flags
pastel 16x20

My first painting at Creek Side Gardens
pastel 9x12
AHH I just noticed there is a fly on my painting! How could I not have noticed? I don't have time to reshoot it now - Ick!!

Buckets of color
pastel 9x12